Wednesday, April 17, 2013

So, how can I get Jr. throwing harder??

So the reoccurring theme to many of my post-lesson conversations, talks with dads, or just BS sessions with curious people is this, "so, how can we get him/them to throw harder?"

AHA!  There it is.  You can dance around it all you want, but it's becoming apparent that this is what the "real" concern is.  Well, here's the best I can give you.  I'm going to break this into 2 parts.  The first will cover those inquiries regarding pitchers 13 years old and younger, and the second will be a more general statement geared toward the Jr. High/High School kid and above.

So, dad, your son is 10 and you want him to throw harder!  1.) Throw!  Nothing is going to create arm strength, at an age as early as that, better than throwing.  After a long discussion we both reach the agreement that this is, in fact, the most logical way to achieve more velocity, dad heads off to the field with Jr.  to start heaving balls as far as they can.  Not a bad concept, but it's not that simple.

There are a few things we need to be aware of before we begin our "ball-heaving" endeavor to create better arm strength.  First, and foremost, there is a correct way to throw.  I don't mean that everyone has to throw with the same arm slot, and mechanics.  NO!  We are not robots.  We are individuals, and just like our fingerprints, everyone throws a little bit differently.  What I do mean, is that we must understand HOW to use our body to their full potential.  Once you understand how you body generates power, most efficiently for you, you can then start to implement that into your throwing mechanics.

Maybe you've decided that having a good back-side drive is really going to help you achieve better velocity.  Excellent!  Now you need to learn how to not just create, but develop that, as well.  Here is a link to a quick video demonstration of the Stand Still Drill, which will help you do just that.

We must keep in mind that NOBODY is going to gain any good velocity if they, a) don't know how to use their energy, or b) don't know how to throw, period.  If you start implementing a long toss program without "knowing how to throw," all you're going to do is amplify a bad habit, and cause injury.

My second word of advise I'd like to tell 9 and 10 year old kids that want to throw harder is, "grow up."  I mean, literally, grow up.  You're 9.  You're going to start throwing harder as you get older, I GUARANTEE IT!!  You better start making sure, now, that you now "how" to throw so you can capitalize on it when it happens.

Part 2, High School kids:  read above, and add strength training and a lot of commitment!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Fine Tuning "The Machine"

The Importance of Good Mechanics

So, in my recent post, I've been discussing the idea, or concept, of increasing velocity through weight training and building functional strength to achieve those gains.  I wanted to take a moment to make sure that I'm not under-valuing the importance of good mechanics and throwing the ball properly!

Let's take this senario into consideration.  You've been in the weight room, busting your butt for several months now.  You've been, tirelessly, sticking to your rotator cuff exercise routine.  You've been, relentlessly, incorporating plyometric movement into your program to build explosiveness.  And now, you're about to get on a mound and witness yourself blow a hole right through your catcher's face mask!

Not so fast, there Hotrod!  We've forgotten one very basic, extremely fundamental aspect.  Do you even know how to throw??

OK, we're going to assume, at this point, that you know how to throw, but do you know how to optimally use your body, biomechanically speaking, to produce efficient and quality results?  Because here's the bottom line.  It's fantastic that you increased your flexibility, strength, stability, and overall functional mobility, but I won't mean a darn thing if you can't do know how to use it.  All this "new found" energy you are now capable of creating isn't going to do you any good if you don't have a clue how to harness it.

This is why, in conjunction to a solid weight and mobility program, is important to stress, not just long toss on a scheduled basis, but a Form Throwing program as well.  A good Form Throwing program will highlight, and emphasize, the importance of using your hips and other functionally important pieces to the "high velocity puzzle."  Below is a video of the Stand-Still Drill.  Taking this drill, and really focusing on an exaggerated "hip lead," is a great example of how you can incorporate Form Throwing into your program, and start learning how to use "the entire machine."

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

98 in 98

I found this science experiment form on the internet in an attempt to make this a little more "formal" and "legit" so to speak.

Science Experiment Form

Scientist: Jonah Bayliss

Question: What do you want to find out? Is it possible for me, at the age of 32, to gain several mph on my fastball through the use of a specific, and calculated, training program.

Hypothesis: The prediction is that, with extensive “lateral drive” training and extensive “heavy cuff” training, paired along with a explosive, power producing program, I will be able to reach a maximum speed of 98 mph after 98 days of training.

Materials: Baseballs, a glove, weights, weighted balls, weighted glove, slide board, rubber tubing, foam roller.

Procedure: Here is a general overview, or “prioritized” list of how it will be reached
1. The use of a slide board, and other devices designed to implement                           “lateral explosiveness,” will be implemented. 
2. A very strict routine of weighted baseballs, and a weighted glove will be followed.
3. A large emphasis of “heavy,” and even “explosive,” cuff training will be implemented in accordance with the aforementioned procedure step.
4. A strong core program designed to promote quicker rotation and stability will be used.
5. Some upper body plyometrics will be incorporated with upper body routine designed, also, to promote strong joint stability and functional movement.
  1. Acknowledging that overall flexibility is of the upmost importance, it
will only be pointed out here that attention will be given to hip flexibility specifically, in conjunction with all other areas.

Result(s): Results will be periodically recorded throughout the 98 day experiment.
Conclusion(s): Still to come

Disclaimers: I have added this section on my own.  I wanted to make sure a few things were clear before we went forward.
  • I have major league experience as a pitcher and, thus, do not claim that this program is going to work miracles.  I am acknowledging the fact that skill level plays a large roll in maximum, achievable velocity.
  • I believe, on a few good days throughout my career, that I reached upwards of 95/96 mph.  This is why I did not bother with a “starting speed” in my experiment.  This is also why I chose a realistic goal, and not something along the lines of, say, 101 (even though that would be awesome.)
  • I have been working out and throwing (standard game of catch) leading up to this.  I’m in fairly decent shape, with a strong background in weight training.  I am working with the admission that this program would not work for little Jimmy, who’s never picked up, or even played, baseball in his life. 
  • This is all coming from someone who used to play, now works at a baseball facility, can’t seem to “let it go,” continuing to train for a spring training that is not coming, and wanted to test some theories he’s always had on how to throw harder, but was always scared he might blow out before the season started and now there’s no season.

Now, with my disclaimers out of the way, I’m moving forward.  Updates and “progress” reports will be made through twitter (@bayzball) and facebook (JB Bayzball), and maybe some other form of social media that I haven’t gotten into yet.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Who Says You Can't Throw 100?

My first post on Velocity Optimization Training was merely a question of thought.  If you buy into the idea of "pushing the envelop" and testing your limits, do you believe it is possible to increase your velocity through training, or, are you essentially, stuck with what you're born with?  The second post was a follow up to that.  Assuming that you are in agreement, at least on some level, that such gains are possible with training, the second post was more of a probe into how one might approach designing, or implementing, such a program.  Two things have happened since publishing the previous two posts.

The Development of Hypotheses (plural)

After the posting of, "Part II," I started to realize that I had my own theories, or hypotheses, on the matter.  Though it was not my initial intent, I found myself pondering more and more about what it is, exactly, that would make an effective program; because clearly I'm not the first person to wonder "how I can throw harder?"  For example, why aren't pitchers incorporating more lateral movement exercises into their programs in a effort to improve "lateral power" (for lack of a better term).  Replicating the pitching delivery always seems awfully logical to me.  Now, maybe there are some select individuals out there who do, but in my ten plus years of professional baseball, it was never recommended to me.  A majority of weight rooms had slide boards (perfect for such a task), and they were there for our use, but they were never a "staple" in any training program.  Why not??  It seems down-right, straight forward to me.  If you pitch laterally, why not train laterally?  We were always told to "squat this" and, "lunge that."
Now, please do not get me wrong.  I am not, in any way, questioning the ability or knowledge of the strength coaches I had the privilege to work with.  Most of them, in fact, loved the idea when I would say, "hey, do you mind if you use that slide board?  The one over in the corner, tucked behind the dumb bell rack."  I guess, perhaps, it's just not that realistic to incorporate such an exercise into a program designed "for the masses."  Well, I always thought it was a shame.  And that's also not to say that I didn't train, myself, with a slide board.  I certainly did my fair share of it (hockey was my sport in high school), but did I ever really "push the limits of it?"  And what about rotator cuff exercises?  Why are they always limited to "light weight"?  Why does every other muscle group get trained with an endless increasing of weight, except the one we throw baseballs with??  My mind can't take the wonderment anymore!  I'm taking action!!

The Desire to Become a Self Guinea Pig

I have come to the realization that I will not be able to rest, or at least speak on the matter with any conviction, if I do not try it for myself.  I have decided to put myself through my own theories of Velocity Optimization Training.  I think the tentative plan is to do a 98 day program, testing several of the thoughts I've always had on how to throw harder, but was always timid to try as I was preparing for an upcoming season.  Well, unfortunately, the "upcoming season" doesn't exist, putting me in that ever-curious state of, "why not??"  I encourage anyone with ideas or theories of their own, but no guinea pig, to contribute to the conversation.  All progress will be tracked and noted.  Curious by-standers and fans (mom) can be kept up to speed via the blog and twitter (@bayzball).  Don't you want to throw harder???
In all seriousness, as a pitcher, I have always had ideas of, "what if I did this?" or, "why don't I try this?" and never have, in fear of ending/ruining a career.  Well, take away the fear and this where I am.  In an era where so many people are claiming to "have the key" to make you throw a billion mph, maybe this is more of an attempt to weed through the BS, so to speak.  Whatever the reason, personal curiosity mostly, I am embarking on a quest, over the next 98 days, to throw 98 mph.  I'll leave you with a final thought that I often shared in the bullpen, with my fellow relievers, "Go hard or go home!"