Sunday, May 12, 2013

Drill of the Week: Power Position Throws

I'm starting a new addition to Bayzball, with my drill of the week.  To get things started I'm going to start with the simplest, most basic drill I have in my repertoire:  Power Position Throws.

One of the hardest things to teach, or for that matter, a young pitcher to understand is what constitutes as good arm action.  In order to throw the ball with optimal force and limited risk of injury we need to get our arm into a position that will recruit the muscles in the arm, to keep the ligaments and elbow joint safe.  To achieve this, we need to throw with a bent arm at foot strike, and think about bringing our elbow through the throwing path.  You'll see a lot of kids try and throw with a stiff, or straightened arm (like a javelin thrower.)  This will place unwanted stress across the front of the shoulder, and the elbow.  Start your throwing program every day with the Power Position Drill.  It will reinforce your arm to get into it's most powerful position, and thus, the correct one.